Our "Deathbomb of Your Dreams" cassette bundle sold out so fast, we figured we better do the same for some of our disc releases. You dream of having so many laser responsive releases in your home, and we're here to make that dream come true! All for a nice low price of just $3 each!
You get:
- Jonathan Snipes (mem Clipping) '32 Acres' cd
- Amen Seat 's/t' cd
- Jonathan Snipes 'The Nightmare' cd
- BOO HISS 'PSYCHE BIRDS' feature length movie dvd-r
- Scrolls 'After L.A.' cd & book
Normally this would cost $50, making this an insane deal. Even if you have some of these already, its a great way to add more to your collection and grab some things to give friends for the holidays coming up soon!
LIMITED TO 10 BUNDLES (5 remaining)