Limited to 10 (8 remaining)
Over our 25 years of releasing music we've put out a lot of vinyl, which means we have a lot of test pressings on our shelves. There is no need for us to keep them all, so we're offering to you. In this blind buy you'll get two test pressings from different releases at random. Could be something rare and old, could be a clipping. record, could be a 7", could be a 12", could be a part of a boxset, who knows!
You are welcome to buy more than one batch, and we will do our best to make sure you don't get repeats if you buy multiples at once. If you make separate orders though, we cannot help with this.
We cannot accept returns on these. Please understand that tests are collectors items that may contain playback faults and do not include artwork.
As always, media mail is your cheapest option for shipping within the US, but does not include insurance so any damaged or lost mail is at your own risk.